
New strings:

+ AllowReadCallAndLog: Please allow Telegram to receive calls and read the call log so that we can automatically enter your code for you.
+ AllowReadCallLog: Please allow Telegram to read the call log so that we can automatically enter your code for you.
+ CameraPermissionText: Tap to allow access to your Camera
+ DistanceUnits: Distance Units
+ DistanceUnitsAutomatic: Automatic
+ DistanceUnitsKilometers: Kilometers
+ DistanceUnitsMiles: Miles
+ DistanceUnitsTitle: Distance units
+ EditAdminRank: Custom title
+ EditAdminRankInfo: A custom title that will be shown to all members instead of '%1$s'.
+ EventLogPromotedRemovedTitle: Title
+ EventLogPromotedTitle: Title: %1$s
+ EventLogToggledSlowmodeOff: un1 disabled the slow mode
+ EventLogToggledSlowmodeOn: un1 set the slow mode timer to %1$s
+ FootsAway: %1$s ft away
+ GalleryPermissionText: Tap to allow access to your Gallery
+ GifsTab: GIFS
+ ImagesTab: IMAGES
+ KMetersAway2: %1$s km away
+ LoopAnimatedStickers: Loop Animated Stickers
+ MediaSelected_one: %1$d media selected
+ MediaSelected_other: %1$d media selected
+ MessageNotFound: Message doesn't exist
+ MetersAway2: %1$s m away
+ MilesAway: %1$s mi away
+ PhotosSelected_one: %1$d photo selected
+ PhotosSelected_other: %1$d photos selected
+ SendWithoutCompression: Send without compression
+ SendWithoutGrouping: Send without grouping
+ SendWithoutSound: Send without sound
+ SlowModeHint: Slow Mode is enabled. You can send\nyour next message in %1$s
+ Slowmode: Slow Mode
+ SlowmodeHours: %1$dh
+ SlowmodeInfoOff: Choose how long each member must wait before sending their next message.
+ SlowmodeInfoSelected: Members will be able to send only one message every %1$s.
+ SlowmodeMinutes: %1$dm
+ SlowmodeOff: Off
+ SlowmodeSeconds: %1$ds
+ SlowmodeSelectSendError: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't select more items.
+ SlowmodeSendError: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at once.
+ SlowmodeSendErrorTooLong: Sorry, this text is too long to send as one message.\n\nSlow Mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at once.
+ TapForVideo: Tap for photo, hold for video
+ UserRestrictionsCustom: Custom
+ VideosSelected_one: %1$d video selected
+ VideosSelected_other: %1$d videos selected

Changed strings:

- ActionBotDocumentRentalAgreement: Tenancy Agreement
+ ActionBotDocumentRentalAgreement: Rental Agreement
- AddAdminErrorBlacklisted: Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the blacklist and you can't unban them.
+ AddAdminErrorBlacklisted: Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you can't unban them.
- AddContactTitle: Add contact
+ AddContactTitle: Add Contact
- AreYouSureClearHistory: Are you sure you want to clear history?
+ AreYouSureClearHistory: Are you sure you want to delete all messages in this chat?
- ChangePhoneNewNumber: New number
+ ChangePhoneNewNumber: New Number
- ChannelAddAdmin: Add Administrator
+ ChannelAddAdmin: Add Admin
- ChatHistoryHiddenInfo2: New members won't see more than 100 earlier messages.
+ ChatHistoryHiddenInfo2: New members won't see more than 100 previous messages.
- ChooseStickerSetMy: You can create your own custom sticker set using the @stickers bot.
+ ChooseStickerSetMy: You can create your own custom sticker sets using the @stickers bot.
- CodeExpired: Code expired, please login again
+ CodeExpired: Code expired, please retry login.
- ConfirmDeleteCallLog: Are you sure you want to delete this entry from the calls log?
+ ConfirmDeleteCallLog: Do you want to delete this entry from the calls log?
- DeclineDeactivate: Decline & Deactivate
+ DeclineDeactivate: Decline & Delete
- EditAdminTransferAlertText: You can transfer this group to **%1$s** only if you have:
+ EditAdminTransferAlertText: You can transfer this group to **%1$s** only if you:
- GroupUserLeftError: Sorry, this user decided to leave this group, so you cannot add them back here.
+ GroupUserLeftError: Sorry, if a person is no longer part of a group, you need to be in their Telegram contacts in order to add them back.\n\nNote that they can still join via the group's invite link as long as they are not in the Removed Users list.
- InvalidLastName: Invalid last name
+ InvalidLastName: Sorry, this last name can't be used
- LocatedChannelsTooMuch: Sorry, the target user has too many location-based groups already. Please ask them to delete one of their existing ones first.
+ LocatedChannelsTooMuch: Sorry, the target user owns too many location-based groups. Please ask them to delete or transfer an existing one first.
- NoGroupsInCommon: No common groups yet
+ NoGroupsInCommon: No common groups
- NoMailInstalled: Please send an email to and tell us about your problem.
+ NoMailInstalled: Please send an email describing your problem to
- NoVotes: No votes
+ NoVotes: No votes
- NotificationGroupLeftMember: %1$s has left the group %2$s
+ NotificationGroupLeftMember: %1$s left the group %2$s
- OpenUrlAlert: Open url %1$s?
+ OpenUrlAlert: Open URL %1$s?
- OtherSessions: Active Sessions
+ OtherSessions: Active sessions
- PassportAddDriverLicenceInfo: Upload scans of a certified English translation of your driver licence.
+ PassportAddDriverLicenceInfo: Upload scans of a certified English translation of your driver's license.
- PassportAddLicence: Add Driver Licence
+ PassportAddLicence: Add Driver's License
- PassportAddressNoUploadInfo: Please provide your address
+ PassportAddressNoUploadInfo: Provide your address
- PassportDeleteAddressAlert: Are you sure you want to delete address details?
+ PassportDeleteAddressAlert: Do you want to delete address details?
- PassportDeleteDocumentAlert: Are you sure you want to delete this document?
+ PassportDeleteDocumentAlert: Do you want to delete this document?
- PassportDeleteScanAlert: Are you sure you want to delete this scan?
+ PassportDeleteScanAlert: Do you want to delete this scan?
- PassportDeleteSelfieAlert: Are you sure you want to delete this selfie?
+ PassportDeleteSelfieAlert: Do you want to delete this selfie?
- PassportScanPassportInfo: Scan your passport or identity card with machine-readable zone to fill personal details automatically.
+ PassportScanPassportInfo: Scan your passport or identity card's machine-readable zone to fill in your details automatically.
- PaymentShippingInfo: Shipping information
+ PaymentShippingInfo: Shipping Information
- PeopleNearbyGpsInfo: Quickly add people nearby who are also viewing this section and discover local group chats.  \n\nPlease turn on location services to enable this feature.
+ PeopleNearbyGpsInfo: Quickly add people nearby who are also viewing this section and discover local group chats.\n\nPlease turn on location services to enable this feature.
- PermissionNoCamera: Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can capture photos and videos.
+ PermissionNoCamera: Telegram needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos. Please enable it in Settings.
- PinToTopLimitReached: Sorry, you can pin no more than %1$s to the top.
+ PinToTopLimitReached: Sorry, you can only pin %1$s in your main list. If you're looking for more organization, try archiving some chats – the Archived Chats folder allows unlimited pins.
- RegisterText2: Please enter your full name and upload your profile picture.
+ RegisterText2: Enter your name and add a profile picture.
- SentCallOnly: We are calling your phone **%1$s** to dictate a code.
+ SentCallOnly: Calling your phone **%1$s** to dictate the code.
- SentSmsCode: We've sent an SMS with an activation code to your phone **%1$s**.
+ SentSmsCode: We’ve sent an SMS with an activation code to your phone **%1$s**.
- SmsText: We will send you an SMS in %1$d:%2$02d
+ SmsText: Sending you an SMS in %1$d:%2$02d
- StopVerification: Do you want to stop the phone number verification process?
+ StopVerification: Do you want to stop the verification process?
- Unblock: Unblock
+ Unblock: Unblock
- UserRestrictionsUntil: Banned until
+ UserRestrictionsUntil: Restricted until
- VoipAnsweringAsAccount: Answering as %s
+ VoipAnsweringAsAccount: answering as %s
- VoipOngoingAlert: You currently have an ongoing call with **%1$s**. Would you like to hang up on that call and start a new one with **%2$s**?
+ VoipOngoingAlert: You currently have an ongoing call with **%1$s**. Would you like to hang up and start a new one with **%2$s**?
- WrongCountry: Invalid Country Code
+ WrongCountry: Invalid country code
- YouWereKicked: You were removed from this group
+ YouWereKicked: you were removed from the group


New strings:

+ Appearance.ThemeCarouselNewNight: Night
+ Appearance.ThemeCarouselTintedNight: Tinted Night
+ Channel.AdminLog.DisabledSlowmode: %@ disabled the slow mode
+ Channel.AdminLog.MessageRank: changed custom title:\n%1$@
+ Channel.AdminLog.MessageRankName: changed custom title for %1$@:\n%2$@
+ Channel.AdminLog.MessageRankUsername: changed custom title for %1$@ (%2$@):\n%3$@
+ Channel.AdminLog.SetSlowmode: %1$@ set the slow mode timer to %2$@
+ Channel.BotDoesntSupportGroups: Sorry, this bot is telling us it doesn't want to be added to groups. You can't add this bot unless its developers change their mind.
+ Channel.TooMuchBots: Sorry, there are already too many bots in this group. Please remove some of the bots you're not using first.
+ Chat.AttachmentLimitExceeded: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't select more items.
+ Chat.AttachmentMultipleFilesDisabled: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple files at once.
+ Chat.AttachmentMultipleForwardDisabled: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't forward multiple messages at once.
+ Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once.
+ Chat.SlowmodeSendError: Slow Mode is enabled.
+ Chat.SlowmodeTooltip: Slow Mode is enabled. You can send\nyour next message in %@.
+ Chat.SlowmodeTooltipPending: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at once.
+ Contacts.DeselectAll: Deselect All
+ Conversation.Owner: owner
+ Conversation.SendMessage.SendSilently: Send Without Sound
+ Group.EditAdmin.RankAdminPlaceholder: admin
+ Group.EditAdmin.RankInfo: A title that will be shown instead of '%@'.
+ Group.EditAdmin.RankOwnerPlaceholder: owner
+ Group.EditAdmin.RankTitle: CUSTOM TITLE
+ GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeHeader: SLOW MODE
+ GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeInfo: Choose how long each member must wait before sending their next message.
+ Share.MultipleMessagesDisabled: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once.
+ StickerPacksSettings.AnimatedStickers: Loop Animated Stickers
+ StickerPacksSettings.AnimatedStickersInfo: Animated stickers will play in chat continuously.

Changed strings:

- AccessDenied.Camera: Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can take photos and videos.\n\nPlease go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON.
+ AccessDenied.Camera: Telegram needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos.\n\nPlease go to your device settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON.
- AccessDenied.PhotosRestricted: Photo access is restricted for Telegram.\n\nPlease go to your device‘s settings > General > Restrictions > Photos and set Telegram to ON.
+ AccessDenied.PhotosRestricted: Photo access is restricted for Telegram.\n\nPlease go to your device settings > General > Restrictions > Photos and set Telegram to ON.
- Activity.PlayingGame: playing game
+ Activity.PlayingGame: playing a game
- CHAT_LEFT_SEPARATED: %2$@|%1$@ has left the group
+ CHAT_LEFT_SEPARATED: %2$@|%1$@ left the group
- CHAT_TITLE_EDITED: %1$@ edited the group's %2$@ name
+ CHAT_TITLE_EDITED: %1$@ edited the name of the group %2$@
- CONTACT_JOINED: %1$@ joined Telegram!
+ CONTACT_JOINED: %1$@ joined Telegram
- Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo: Tap and hold for video
+ Camera.TapAndHoldForVideo: Press and hold for video
- Channel.DiscussionGroup.PublicChannelLink: Do you want to make %1$@ the discussion board for %2$@?
+ Channel.DiscussionGroup.PublicChannelLink: Make %1$@ the discussion group for %2$@?
- Channel.Management.LabelEditor: Admin
+ Channel.Management.LabelEditor: admin
- Channel.Management.LabelOwner: Owner
+ Channel.Management.LabelOwner: owner
- Channel.Management.RestrictedBy: Restricted by %@
+ Channel.Management.RestrictedBy: restricted by %@
- Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorBlacklisted: Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the blacklist and you can't unban them.
+ Channel.Members.AddAdminErrorBlacklisted: Sorry, you can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you can't unban them.
- ChatList.UndoArchiveText1: Hide the archive by swiping left on it.
+ ChatList.UndoArchiveText1: Swipe left on the archive to hide it.
- Conversation.DefaultRestrictedText: Writing messages isn't allowed in this group.
+ Conversation.DefaultRestrictedText: Sending messages is not allowed in this group.
- Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing: You have invited %@ to join a secret chat.
+ Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing: You invited %@ to join a secret chat.
- Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopied: This link will only work for members of this chat.
+ Conversation.PrivateMessageLinkCopied: This link will only work for chat members
- CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation: Are you sure you want to discard this poll?
+ CreatePoll.CancelConfirmation: Do you want to discard this poll?
- DialogList.SingleUploadingPhotoSuffix: %@ is sending photo
+ DialogList.SingleUploadingPhotoSuffix: %@ is sending a photo
- DownloadingStatus: Downloading %@ of %@
+ DownloadingStatus: downloading %@ of %@
- Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder: You have no saved GIFs yet.
+ Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder: No Saved GIFs
- Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch: Sorry, the target user has too many location-based groups already. Please ask them to delete or transfer one of their existing ones first.
+ Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch: Sorry, the target user owns too many location-based groups. Please ask them to delete or transfer an existing one first.
- GroupInfo.AddUserLeftError: Sorry, if a person left a group, you need to be in their contact list to bring them back.
+ GroupInfo.AddUserLeftError: Sorry, if a person is no longer part of a group, you need to be in their Telegram contacts in order to add them back.\n\nNote that they can still join via the group's invite link as long as they are not in the Removed Users list.
- GroupInfo.DeleteAndExitConfirmation: You will not be able to join this group again.
+ GroupInfo.DeleteAndExitConfirmation: You will not be able to return to this group unless added by another member.
- Login.CancelPhoneVerification: Do you want to stop the phone number verification process?
+ Login.CancelPhoneVerification: Do you want to stop the verification process?
- Login.SmsRequestState1: Telegram will send you an SMS in %d:%.2d
+ Login.SmsRequestState1: Sending you an SMS in %d:%.2d
- Map.LoadError: An error occurred. Please try again.
+ Map.LoadError: An error occurred, please try again.
- Notification.ChangedGroupName: %@ changed group name to "%@"
+ Notification.ChangedGroupName: %@ changed the group name to "%@"
- Notifications.ExceptionsGroupPlaceholder: This section will list all groups and channels with non-default notification settings.
+ Notifications.ExceptionsGroupPlaceholder: This section will list all groups and channels with non-default notification settings
- Notifications.ExceptionsMessagePlaceholder: This section will list all private chats with non-default notification settings.
+ Notifications.ExceptionsMessagePlaceholder: This section will list all private chats with non-default notification settings
- Notifications.MessageNotificationsHelp: You can set custom notifications for specific users on their Info page.
+ Notifications.MessageNotificationsHelp: You can set custom notifications for specific users on their profile page.
- Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement: Tenancy Agreement
+ Passport.Address.TypeRentalAgreement: Rental Agreement
- Passport.Email.Help: Note: You will receive a confirmation code to the email address you provide.
+ Passport.Email.Help: A confirmation code will be sent to the email you provide.
- Passport.Identity.LatinNameHelp: Enter your name using the Latin alphabet
+ Passport.Identity.LatinNameHelp: Enter your name using Latin characters.
- Privacy.Calls.CustomHelp: You can restrict who can call you with granular precision.
+ Privacy.Calls.CustomHelp: Choose exactly who can and can't call you.
- Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.WhoCanAddMe: WHO CAN ADD ME TO GROUP CHATS
+ Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.WhoCanAddMe: WHO CAN ADD ME
- ShareMenu.ShareTo: Share to
+ ShareMenu.ShareTo: Share with
- SharedMedia.EmptyLinksText: All links shared in this chat will appear here.
+ SharedMedia.EmptyLinksText: All links shared in this chat will appear here
- Stickers.Search: Search Stickers
+ Stickers.Search: Search for stickers
- Stickers.SuggestStickers: Suggest Stickers by Emoji
+ Stickers.SuggestStickers: Suggest by Emoji
- TwoStepAuth.EmailAddSuccess: Your recovery email\nhas been added.
+ TwoStepAuth.EmailAddSuccess: Recovery Email Added
- TwoStepAuth.EnabledSuccess: Two-Step verification\nis enabled.
+ TwoStepAuth.EnabledSuccess: Two-Step Verification Enabled
- TwoStepAuth.PasswordRemovePassportConfirmation: Are you sure you want to disable your password?\n\nWarning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost!
+ TwoStepAuth.PasswordRemovePassportConfirmation: Are you sure you want to disable your password?\n\nWarning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost.
- Wallpaper.Search: Search Backgrounds
+ Wallpaper.Search: Search for images
- WallpaperPreview.PreviewTopText: Press Set to apply the background
+ WallpaperPreview.PreviewTopText: Tap Set to apply the background
- Widget.AuthRequired: Log in to Telegram
+ Widget.AuthRequired: Log In to Telegram