
New strings:

+ lng_admin_log_slow_mode_seconds_one: {count} second
+ lng_admin_log_slow_mode_seconds_other: {count} seconds
+ lng_admin_log_removed_slow_mode: {from} disabled slow mode
+ lng_admin_log_changed_slow_mode: {from} changed slow mode to {duration}
+ lng_admin_log_slow_mode_minutes_one: {count} minute
+ lng_admin_log_slow_mode_minutes_other: {count} minutes
+ lng_rights_slowmode_header: Slow mode
+ lng_rights_slowmode_seconds_one: {count}s
+ lng_rights_slowmode_seconds_other: {count}s
+ lng_rights_slowmode_minutes_one: {count}m
+ lng_rights_slowmode_minutes_other: {count}m
+ lng_rights_slowmode_hours_one: {count}h
+ lng_rights_slowmode_hours_other: {count}h
+ lng_rights_slowmode_off: Off
+ lng_rights_slowmode_about: Members will be able to send only one message per this interval.
+ lng_rights_slowmode_about_interval: Members will be able to send only one message {interval}.
+ lng_rights_slowmode_interval_seconds_one: every {count} second
+ lng_rights_slowmode_interval_seconds_other: every {count} seconds
+ lng_slowmode_enabled: Slow mode is enabled. You can send your next message in {left}.
+ lng_rights_slowmode_interval_minutes_one: every {count} minute
+ lng_rights_slowmode_interval_minutes_other: every {count} minutes
+ lng_rights_edit_admin_rank_name: Custom title
+ lng_rights_edit_admin_rank_about: A custom title that will be shown to all members instead of '{title}'.
+ lng_owner_badge: owner
+ lng_settings_theme_blue: Blue
+ lng_settings_theme_classic: Classic
+ lng_settings_theme_midnight: Midnight
+ lng_settings_theme_matrix: Matrix
+ lng_settings_large_emoji: Large emoji
+ lng_settings_loop_stickers: Loop animated stickers
+ lng_settings_no_blocked_users: None
+ lng_send_silent_message: Send without sound
+ lng_proxy_unsupported: Your Telegram Desktop version doesn't support this proxy type or the proxy link is invalid. Please update Telegram Desktop to the latest version.
+ lng_proxy_invalid: The proxy link is invalid.
+ lng_slowmode_too_long: Sorry, this text is too long to send as one message.\n\nSlow mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at a time.
+ lng_slowmode_no_many: Slow mode is enabled. You can't send more than one message at a time.