
Changed strings:

- PhoneNumberAlert: All your Telegram contacts will get your new number added to their address book, provided they had your old number and you haven't blocked them in Telegram.
+ PhoneNumberAlert: Users will see your new number if they have it in their address book or your privacy settings allow them to see it. You can modify this in Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone number.


New strings:

+ AccentColor.Title: Accent Color
+ Appearance.CreateTheme: Create New Theme
+ Appearance.CreateThemeInfo: A new theme template has been created from your current theme and added to your Saved Messages.
+ Appearance.EditTheme: Edit Theme
+ Appearance.Publish: Publish
+ Appearance.RemoveTheme: Remove
+ Appearance.RemoveThemeConfirmation: Remove Theme
+ Appearance.ShareTheme: Share
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.1.Text: Does he want me to turn from the right or turn from the left? 🤔
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.2.ReplyName: Bob Harris
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.2.Text: Right side. And, uh, with intensity.
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.3.Text: Is that everything? It seemed like he said quite a bit more than that. 😯
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.1.Name: Alicia Torreaux
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.1.Text: Bob says hi. 😊 ❤️ 😱
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.2.Name: Roberto
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.2.Text: Say hello to Alice 👋
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.3.AuthorName: Jennie Alpha
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.3.Name: Campus Public Chat
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.3.Text: We just reached 2,500 members! WOO!
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.4.Name: Veronica
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.4.Text: Table for four, 2PM. Be there.
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.5.Name: Animal Videos
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.5.Text: Vote now! Moar cat videos in this channel?
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.6.Name: Little Sister
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.6.Text: Don't tell mom yet, but I got the job! I'm going to ROME!
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.7.Name: Jennie Alpha
+ Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.7.Text: 🖼 Check these out
+ Chat.AttachmentLimitReached: You can't select more items.
+ Chat.SlowmodeAttachmentLimitReached: Slow Mode is enabled. You can't select more items.
+ Conversation.ContextMenuLookUp: Look Up
+ Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendOn: Send on %@ at %@
+ Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendToday: Send today at %@
+ Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendTomorrow: Send tomorrow at %@
+ Conversation.ScheduleMessage.Title: Schedule Message
+ Conversation.SelectedMessages_one: %@ Message Selected
+ Conversation.SelectedMessages_other: %@ Messages Selected
+ Conversation.SendMessage.ScheduleMessage: Schedule Message
+ Conversation.SendMessage.SetReminder: Set a Reminder
+ Conversation.SendMessageErrorTooMuchScheduled: Sorry, you can not schedule more than 100 messages.
+ Conversation.SetReminder.RemindOn: Remind on %@ at %@
+ Conversation.SetReminder.RemindToday: Remind today at %@
+ Conversation.SetReminder.RemindTomorrow: Remind tomorrow at %@
+ Conversation.SetReminder.Title: Set a Reminder
+ Conversation.Theme: Color Theme
+ Conversation.ViewTheme: VIEW THEME
+ EditTheme.CreateTitle: Create Theme
+ EditTheme.EditTitle: Edit Theme
+ EditTheme.FileReadError: Invalid theme file
+ EditTheme.Preview: CHAT PREVIEW
+ EditTheme.ShortLink: link
+ EditTheme.ShortLinkInfo: Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link. \n\nTheme links must be longer than 5 characters and can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
+ EditTheme.ThemeTemplateAlert: New Theme Added\n\nPress and hold on your theme to edit it or get a sharing link. Users who install your theme will get automatic updates each time you change it.\n\nFor advanced editing purposes, you can find a file with your theme in Saved Messages.
+ EditTheme.Title: Theme Name
+ EditTheme.UploadEditedInfo: You can update your theme for all users by uploading manual changes from a file.
+ EditTheme.UploadEditedTheme: Update from File...
+ EditTheme.UploadNewInfo: The theme will be based on your currently selected theme and wallpaper. Alternatively, you can use a manually edited custom theme file.
+ EditTheme.UploadNewTheme: Create from File...
+ GroupInfo.Permissions.SlowmodeValue.Off: Off
+ Message.Theme: Color Theme
+ PUSH_ALBUM: %1$@|📷 Album
+ PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.CustomDisabledHelp: Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts.
+ PrivacyPhoneNumberSettings.DiscoveryHeader: WHO CAN FIND ME BY MY NUMBER
+ ProxyServer.VoiceOver.Active: Active
+ ScheduledMessages.BotActionUnavailable: This action will become available after the message is published.
+ ScheduledMessages.ClearAll: Clear All
+ ScheduledMessages.ClearAllConfirmation: Clear Scheduled Messages
+ ScheduledMessages.Delete: Delete Scheduled Message
+ ScheduledMessages.DeleteMany: Delete Scheduled Messages
+ ScheduledMessages.EditTime: Reschedule
+ ScheduledMessages.EmptyPlaceholder: No scheduled messages here yet...
+ ScheduledMessages.PollUnavailable: Voting will become available after the message is published.
+ ScheduledMessages.ReminderNotification: 📅 Reminder
+ ScheduledMessages.RemindersTitle: Reminders
+ ScheduledMessages.ScheduledDate: Scheduled for %@
+ ScheduledMessages.ScheduledToday: Scheduled for today
+ ScheduledMessages.SendNow: Send Now
+ ScheduledMessages.Title: Scheduled Messages
+ Theme.ErrorNotFound: Sorry, this color theme doesn't seem to exist.
+ Theme.Unsupported: Sorry, this color theme doesn't support your device yet.
+ Undo.ScheduledMessagesCleared: Scheduled messages cleared
+ VoiceOver.AttachMedia: Send media
+ VoiceOver.Chat.AnonymousPoll: Anonymous poll
+ VoiceOver.Chat.AnonymousPollFrom: Anonymous poll, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Caption: Caption: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Contact: Shared contact
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactEmail: Email
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactEmailCount_one: %@ email address
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactEmailCount_other: %@ email addresses
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactFrom: Shared contact, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactOrganization: Organization: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactPhoneNumber: Phone number
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactPhoneNumberCount_one: %@ phone number
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ContactPhoneNumberCount_other: %@ phone numbers
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Duration: Duration: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.File: File
+ VoiceOver.Chat.FileFrom: File, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ForwardedFrom: Forwarded from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ForwardedFromYou: Forwarded from you
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Message: Message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Music: Music message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.MusicFrom: Music file, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.MusicTitle: %1$@, by %2$@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.OpenHint: Double tap to open
+ VoiceOver.Chat.OpenLinkHint: Double tap to open link
+ VoiceOver.Chat.OptionSelected: selected
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PagePreview: Page preview
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Photo: Photo
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PhotoFrom: Photo, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PlayHint: Double tap to play
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollFinalResults: Final results
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollNoVotes: No votes
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollOptionCount_one: %@ option:
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollOptionCount_other: %@ options:
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollVotes_one: %@ vote
+ VoiceOver.Chat.PollVotes_other: %@ votes
+ VoiceOver.Chat.RecordModeVideoMessage: Video message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.RecordModeVideoMessageInfo: Double tap and hold to record video message. Slide up to pin recording, slide left to cancel. Double tap to switch to audio.
+ VoiceOver.Chat.RecordModeVoiceMessage: Voice message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.RecordModeVoiceMessageInfo: Double tap and hold to record voice message. Slide up to pin recording, slide left to cancel. Double tap to switch to video.
+ VoiceOver.Chat.RecordPreviewVoiceMessage: Preview voice message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Reply: Reply to message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ReplyFrom: Reply to message from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.ReplyToYourMessage: Reply to your message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.SeenByRecipient: Seen by recipient
+ VoiceOver.Chat.SeenByRecipients: Seen by recipients
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Selected: Selected
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Size: Size: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Title: Title: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.Video: Video
+ VoiceOver.Chat.VideoFrom: Video, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.VideoMessage: Video message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.VideoMessageFrom: Video message, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.VoiceMessage: Voice message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.VoiceMessageFrom: Voice message, from: %@
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourAnonymousPoll: Your Anonymous poll
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourContact: Your shared contact
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourFile: Your file
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourMessage: Your message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourMusic: Your music message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourPhoto: Your photo
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourVideo: Your video
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourVideoMessage: Your video message
+ VoiceOver.Chat.YourVoiceMessage: Your voice message
+ VoiceOver.DiscardPreparedContent: Discard
+ VoiceOver.Editing.ClearText: Clear text
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackPause: Pause
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackPlay: Play
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackRate: Playback rate
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackRateChange: Double tap to change
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackRateFast: Fast
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackRateNormal: Normal
+ VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackStop: Stop playback
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextDelete: Delete
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextForward: Forward
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextOpenMessageMenu: Open message menu
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextReply: Reply
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextReport: Report
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextSend: Send
+ VoiceOver.MessageContextShare: Share
+ VoiceOver.Navigation.Compose: Compose
+ VoiceOver.Navigation.ProxySettings: Proxy settings
+ VoiceOver.Navigation.Search: Search
+ VoiceOver.Recording.StopAndPreview: Stop and preview
+ Wallpaper.ErrorNotFound: Sorry, this chat background doesn't seem to exist.

Changed strings:

- PUSH_AUTH_REGION: New login|from unrecognized device %1$@, location: %2$@
+ PUSH_AUTH_REGION: New login|Device: %1$@. Location: %2$@
- PUSH_AUTH_UNKNOWN: New login|from unrecognized device %1$@
+ PUSH_AUTH_UNKNOWN: New login|from %1$@
- PUSH_CHANNEL_ALBUM: %1$@|posted an album
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_ALBUM: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE: %1$@|posted a message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE: %1$@|New message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_one: %1$@|posted an album
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_one: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_other: %1$@|posted an album
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGES_other: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %1$@|posted a voice message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %1$@|🎤 Voice message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_CONTACT: %1$@|posted %2$@'s contact
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOC: %1$@|posted a file
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWD: %1$@|posted a forwarded message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWD: %1$@|Forwarded message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %1$@|posted a forwarded message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %1$@|Forwarded message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %1$@|posted %2$d forwarded messages
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %1$@|%2$d forwarded messages
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME: %1$@|invited you to play %2$@
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEO: %1$@|posted a map
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE: %1$@|posted a live location
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NOTEXT: %1$@|posted a message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTO: %1$@|posted a photo
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_one: %1$@|posted a photo
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %1$@|posted %2$d photos
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %1$@|📷 %2$d photos
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_POLL: %1$@|poll "%2$@"
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_POLL: %1$@|📊 Poll "%2$@"
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUND: %1$@|posted a video message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUND: %1$@|📺 Video message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %1$@|posted a video message
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %1$@|📺 Video message
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %1$@|posted %2$d video messages
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %1$@|📺 %2$d video messages
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_STICKER: %1$@|posted a %2$@ sticker
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEO: %1$@|posted a video
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_one: %1$@|posted a video
- PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %1$@|posted %2$d videos
+ PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %1$@|📹 %2$d videos
- PUSH_CHAT_ALBUM: %2$@|%1$@ sent an album
+ PUSH_CHAT_ALBUM: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 Album
- PUSH_CHAT_JOINED: %2$@|%1$@ has joined the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_JOINED: %2$@|%1$@ joined the group
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE: %2$@|%1$@ sent a message
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE: %2$@|%1$@: Message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES_one: %2$@|%1$@ sent an album
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES_one: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 Album
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES_other: %2$@|%1$@ sent an album
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGES_other: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 Album
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %2$@|%1$@ sent a voice message to the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %2$@|%1$@: 🎤 Voice message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_CONTACT: %2$@|%1$@ shared %3$@'s contact
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_CONTACT: %2$@|%1$@: 👤 %3$@
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOC: %2$@|%1$@ sent a file to the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOC: %2$@|%1$@: 📎 Document
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWD: %2$@|%1$@ forwarded a message
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWD: %2$@|%1$@: Forwarded message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %2$@|%1$@ forwarded a message
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %2$@|%1$@: Forwarded message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %2$@|%1$@ forwarded %3$d messages
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %2$@|%1$@: %3$d forwarded messages
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME: %2$@|%1$@ invited the group to play %3$@
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME: %2$@|🎮 %1$@ invited the group to play %3$@
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: %1$@ scored %4$@ in game %3$@ in the group %2$@
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: 🎮 %1$@ scored %4$@ in %3$@ 
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GEO: %2$@|%1$@ sent a map to the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GEO: %2$@|%1$@: 📍 Location
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE: %2$@|%1$@ started sharing their live location
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE: %2$@|%1$@: Live location
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_GIF: %2$@|%1$@ sent a GIF to the group
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_INVOICE: %2$@|%1$@ sent an invoice for %3$@
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_INVOICE: %2$@|%1$@: Invoice for %3$@
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT:  %2$@|%1$@ sent a message to the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT:  %2$@|%1$@: New message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTO: %2$@|%1$@ sent a photo
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTO: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 Photo
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_one: %2$@|%1$@ sent a photo
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_one: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 Photo
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %2$@|%1$@ sent %3$d photos
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %2$@|%1$@: 📷 %3$d photos
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_POLL: %2$@|poll by %1$@ "%3$@"
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_POLL: %2$@|%1$@: 📊 Poll "%3$@"
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUND: %2$@|%1$@ sent a video message
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUND: %2$@|%1$@: 📺 Video message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %2$@|%1$@ sent a video message
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %2$@|%1$@: 📺 Video message
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %2$@|%1$@ sent %3$d video messages
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %2$@|%1$@: 📺 %3$d video messages
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_STICKER: %2$@|%1$@ sent a %3$@ sticker to the group
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_STICKER: %2$@|%1$@: %3$@ Sticker
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEO: %2$@|%1$@ sent a video
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEO: %2$@|%1$@: 📹 Video
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_one: %2$@|%1$@ sent a video
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_one: %2$@|%1$@: 📹 Video
- PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %2$@|%1$@ sent %3$d videos
+ PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %2$@|%1$@: 📹 %3$d videos
- PUSH_CHAT_PHOTO_EDITED: %2$@|%1$@ edited the group's photo
+ PUSH_CHAT_PHOTO_EDITED: %2$@|%1$@ edited the group photo
- PUSH_CHAT_TITLE_EDITED: %2$@|%1$@ edited the group's name
+ PUSH_CHAT_TITLE_EDITED: %2$@|%1$@ edited the group name
- PUSH_MESSAGE: %1$@|sent you a message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE: %1$@|New message
- PUSH_MESSAGES_one: %1$@|sent you an album
+ PUSH_MESSAGES_one: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_MESSAGES_other: %1$@|sent you an album
+ PUSH_MESSAGES_other: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_MESSAGE_ALBUM: %1$@|sent you an album
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_ALBUM: %1$@|📷 Album
- PUSH_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %1$@|sent you a voice message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_AUDIO: %1$@|🎤 Voice message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: %1$@ scored %3$@ in game %2$@
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: 🎮 %1$@ scored %3$@ in %2$@
- PUSH_MESSAGE_CONTACT: %1$@|shared %2$@'s contact with you
- PUSH_MESSAGE_DOC: %1$@|sent you a file
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_DOC: %1$@|📎 Document
- PUSH_MESSAGE_FWD: %1$@|forwarded you a message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_FWD: %1$@|Forwarded message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %1$@|forwarded you a message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_one: %1$@|Forwarded message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %1$@|forwarded you %2$d messages
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_other: %1$@|%2$d Forwarded messages
- PUSH_MESSAGE_GAME: %1$@|invited you to play %2$@
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_GAME: %1$@|🎮 Play %2$@
- PUSH_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: %1$@ scored %3$@ in game %2$@
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE: 🎮 %1$@ scored %3$@ in %2$@
- PUSH_MESSAGE_GEO: %1$@|sent you a map
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_GEO: %1$@|📍 Location
- PUSH_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE: %1$@|started sharing their live location
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE: %1$@|Live location
- PUSH_MESSAGE_GIF: %1$@|sent you a GIF
- PUSH_MESSAGE_INVOICE: %1$@|sent you an invoice for %2$@
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_INVOICE: %1$@|Invoice for %2$@
- PUSH_MESSAGE_NOTEXT: %1$@|sent you a message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_NOTEXT: %1$@|New message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTO: %1$@|sent you a photo
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTO: %1$@|📷 Photo
- PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_one: %1$@|sent you a photo
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_one: %1$@|📷 Photo
- PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %1$@|sent you %2$d photos
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTOS_other: %1$@|📷 %2$d photos
- PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTO_SECRET: %1$@|sent you a self-destructing photo
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_PHOTO_SECRET: %1$@|🔥 Self-destructing photo
- PUSH_MESSAGE_POLL: %1$@|poll "%2$@"
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_POLL: %1$@|📊 Poll "%2$@"
- PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUND: %1$@|sent you a video message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUND: %1$@|📺 Video message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %1$@|sent you a video message
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_one: %1$@|📺 Video message
- PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %1$@|sent you %2$d video messages
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_ROUNDS_other: %1$@|📺 %2$d video messages
- PUSH_MESSAGE_STICKER: %1$@|sent you a %2$@ sticker
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_STICKER: %1$@|%2$@ Sticker
- PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEO: %1$@|sent you a video
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEO: %1$@|📹 Video
- PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_one: %1$@|sent you a video
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_one: %1$@|📹 Video
- PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %1$@|sent you %2$d videos
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEOS_other: %1$@|📹 %2$d videos
- PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEO_SECRET: %1$@|sent you a self-destructing video
+ PUSH_MESSAGE_VIDEO_SECRET: %1$@|🔥 Self-destructing video
- PUSH_PHONE_CALL_MISSED: %1$@|You missed a call
+ PUSH_PHONE_CALL_MISSED: %1$@|☎️ Missed call
- PUSH_PHONE_CALL_REQUEST: %1$@|is calling you!
+ PUSH_PHONE_CALL_REQUEST: %1$@|Incoming call!
- PUSH_PINNED_AUDIO: %1$@|pinned a voice message
+ PUSH_PINNED_AUDIO: %1$@|📌 Pinned a voice message
- PUSH_PINNED_CONTACT: %1$@|pinned %2$@'s contact
+ PUSH_PINNED_CONTACT: %1$@|📌 Pinned contact: %2$@
- PUSH_PINNED_DOC: %1$@|pinned a file
+ PUSH_PINNED_DOC: %1$@|📌 Pinned a document
- PUSH_PINNED_GAME: %1$@|pinned a game
+ PUSH_PINNED_GAME: %1$@|📌 Pinned a game
- PUSH_PINNED_GEO: %1$@|pinned a map
+ PUSH_PINNED_GEO: %1$@|📌 Pinned a location
- PUSH_PINNED_GEOLIVE: %1$@|pinned a live location
+ PUSH_PINNED_GEOLIVE: %1$@|📌 Pinned a live location
- PUSH_PINNED_GIF: %1$@|pinned a GIF
+ PUSH_PINNED_GIF: %1$@|📌 Pinned a GIF
- PUSH_PINNED_INVOICE: %1$@|pinned an invoice
+ PUSH_PINNED_INVOICE: %1$@|📌 Pinned an invoice
- PUSH_PINNED_NOTEXT: %1$@|pinned a message
+ PUSH_PINNED_NOTEXT: %1$@|📌 Pinned a message
- PUSH_PINNED_PHOTO: %1$@|pinned a photo
+ PUSH_PINNED_PHOTO: %1$@|📌 Pinned a photo
- PUSH_PINNED_POLL: %1$@|pinned a poll
+ PUSH_PINNED_POLL: %1$@|📌 Pinned a poll
- PUSH_PINNED_ROUND: %1$@|pinned a video message
+ PUSH_PINNED_ROUND: %1$@|📌 Pinned a video message
- PUSH_PINNED_STICKER: %1$@|pinned a %2$@ sticker
+ PUSH_PINNED_STICKER: %1$@|📌 Pinned a %2$@ sticker
- PUSH_PINNED_TEXT: %1$@|pinned "%2$@"
+ PUSH_PINNED_TEXT: %1$@|📌 Pinned "%2$@"
- PUSH_PINNED_VIDEO: %1$@|pinned a video
+ PUSH_PINNED_VIDEO: %1$@|📌 Pinned a video