
New strings:

+ SetReminder: Set a reminder
+ RemindTodayAt: 'Remind today at' HH:mm
+ RemindDayAt: 'Remind on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm
+ RemindDayYearAt: 'Remind on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm
+ Reminders: Reminders
+ PrivacyPhoneTitle2: Who can find me by my number?
+ PrivacyPhoneInfo3: Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts.
+ ThemeSetUrl: Set link
+ ThemeUrl: Theme Link
+ SetUrlPlaceholder: Link
+ ThemeSetUrlHelp: You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.\nMinimum length is 5 characters.
+ SetUrlChecking: Checking link...
+ SetUrlInvalidShort: A link must have at least 5 characters.
+ SetUrlAvailable: %1$s is available.
+ SetUrlInvalid: Sorry, this link is invalid.
+ SetUrlInUse: Sorry, this link is already taken.
+ SetUrlInvalidStartNumber: Sorry, the link can't start with a number.
+ ThemeHelpLink: Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link:\n%1$s
+ SetUrlInvalidLong: The link must not exceed 64 characters.
+ ThemePreviewLine3Reply: Lucio
+ ThemePreviewLine3: Ah, you kids today with techno music! You should enjoy the classics, like Hasselhoff!
+ ThemePreviewSongTitle: True Survivor
+ ThemePreviewSongPerformer: David Hasselhoff
+ ThemePreviewLine2: I can't even take you seriously right now.
+ ScheduleMessage: Schedule message
+ MessageScheduleToday: Today
+ formatDateSchedule: MMM d
+ SendTodayAt: 'Send today at' HH:mm
+ SendDayAt: 'Send on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm
+ formatDateScheduleYear: MMM d yyyy
+ SendDayYearAt: 'Send on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm
+ ScheduledMessages: Scheduled messages
+ MessageScheduledOn: Scheduled for %1$s
+ MessageScheduleSend: Send Now
+ MessageScheduleEditTime: Reschedule
+ ThemeNotFound: Theme not found
+ OpenTheme: VIEW THEME
+ MessageScheduledBotAction: This action will become available after the message is published.
+ MessageScheduledVote: Voting will become available after the message is published.
+ NoScheduledMessages: No scheduled messages here yet...
+ MessageScheduledReminderNotification: πŸ“… Reminder
+ MessageScheduledLimitReached: Sorry, you can not schedule more than 100 messages.
+ NotificationMessageScheduled: πŸ“… You: %1$s
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage8: Did someone say peanut butter?
+ ThemePreviewDialog8: Adler Toberg
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage7: These are not the droids you are looking for.
+ ThemePreviewDialog7: Nick K
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage6: Hola!
+ ThemePreviewDialog6: Kate Bright
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage5: Yo-ho-ho!
+ ThemePreviewDialog5: Old Pirates
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage4: Any ideas?
+ ThemePreviewDialog4: Paul Newman
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage3: πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Sticker
+ ThemePreviewDialog3: Mike Apple
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage2: hey, I've updated the source code.
+ ThemePreviewDialog2: Your inner Competition
+ ThemePreviewDialogMessage1: Reminds me of a Chinese prove...
+ ThemePreviewDialog1: Eva Summer
+ ThemeNotSupported: Sorry, this color theme doesn’t support your device yet.
+ Create: Create
+ ExportTheme: Export
+ ThemePreviewLine1: Reinhardt, we need to find you some new tunes 🎢.
+ ThemeCreateHelp: Anyone can install your theme using this link. When you change the theme, it will be updated for all users who installed it.\n\nThe theme will be based on your currently selected theme and wallpaper.
+ ThemeInstallCount_one: %1$d person is using this theme
+ ThemeInstallCount_other: %1$d people are using this theme
+ ChooseTheme: Choose theme
+ UseDifferentThemeInfo: You can also use an existing custom theme as a foundation for your theme.
+ UseDifferentTheme: Use a different theme
+ NewThemePreviewLine2: It's morning in Tokyo 😎
+ NewThemePreviewLine1: Do you know what time it is?
+ NewThemePreviewReply: Good morning! πŸ‘‹
+ NewThemePreviewName: Bob Harris
+ ThemePreviewLine4: Bring it on! I LIVE for this!
+ ThemePreviewTitle: Reinhardt
+ ThemeNamePlaceholder: Name
+ ThemeNameInvalid: Sorry, theme name is invalid.
+ ThemeCreateHelp2: You can change the link of your theme.\n\nTheme links must be longer than 5 characters and can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
+ EditThemeTitle: Edit Theme
+ NewThemeTitle: New Theme
+ NotificationMessageScheduledName: πŸ“… You
+ Schedule: Schedule
+ TypeScheduleMessage: Schedule message
+ ChannelTooMuchJoin: Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave some before joining a new one.

Changed strings:

- EventLogFilterNewAdmins: New admins
+ EventLogFilterNewAdmins: Admin rights
- PrivacyPhoneInfo: Users who already have your number saved in their contacts will see it on Telegram.
+ PrivacyPhoneInfo: Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram.


New strings:

+ EditTheme.Edit.TopInfo: Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link.\n\nTheme links must be at least **5** characters long and can use **a-z**, **0-9** and underscores.
+ EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingReplyName: Bob
+ EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingReplyText: How does it work?
+ EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingText: Use your current colors
+ EditTheme.Edit.Preview.OutgoingText: Or upload a theme file
+ EditTheme.Edit.BottomInfo: You can select a new file to update the theme. It will be updated for all users.
+ EditTheme.Create.TopInfo: The theme will be based on your currently selected colors and wallpaper.
+ EditTheme.ThemeTemplateAlertTitle: New Theme Added
+ EditTheme.ThemeTemplateAlertText: Press and hold on your theme to edit it or get a sharing link. Users who install your theme will get automatic updates each time you change it.\n\nFor advanced editing purposes, you can find a file with your theme in Saved Messages.
+ EditTheme.ErrorInvalidCharacters: Sorry, this link is invalid.
+ Theme.UsersCount_one: %@ person is using this theme
+ Theme.UsersCount_other: %@ people are using this theme
+ EditTheme.Create.Preview.IncomingReplyName: Bob
+ EditTheme.Create.Preview.IncomingReplyText: How does it work?
+ EditTheme.Create.Preview.IncomingText: Use your current colors
+ EditTheme.Create.Preview.OutgoingText: Or upload a theme file
+ EditTheme.Create.BottomInfo: You can also use a manually edited custom theme file.
+ EditTheme.Expand.TopInfo: The theme will be based on your currently selected colors and wallpaper.
+ EditTheme.Expand.Preview.IncomingReplyName: Bob
+ EditTheme.Expand.Preview.IncomingReplyText: How does it work?
+ EditTheme.Expand.Preview.IncomingText: Use your current colors
+ EditTheme.Expand.Preview.OutgoingText: Or upload a theme file
+ EditTheme.Expand.BottomInfo: You can also use a manually edited custom theme file.
+ EditTheme.ErrorLinkTaken: Sorry, this link is already taken

Changed strings:

- Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAdmins: New Admins
+ Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsAdmins: Admin Rights


New strings:

+ AgeVerification_one: You must be at least %1$s year old to use Telegram.
+ AgeVerification_other: You must be at least %1$s years old to use Telegram.
+ AnimatedStickersInfo: Are you sure you want to clear animated stickers cache?
+ AnimatedStickers: Animated Stickers
+ format_chatAndError: %1$s: %2$s
+ WhoCanSeePhotoInfo: You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision.
+ WhoCanSeePhoto: Who can see your profile photo?
+ WhoCanForwardLinkInfo: You can restrict who can include a link to your account when forwarding your messages to other chats.
+ WhoCanForwardLink: Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages?
+ PrivacyPhotoTitle: Profile Photo
+ PrivacyPhotoEverybodyExcept: Everybody (%1$s) can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyPhotoEverybody: Everybody can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyPhotoContactsExcept: Only contacts (%1$s) can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyPhotoContacts: Only contacts can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyPhotoNobodyExcept: Nobody (%1$s) can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyPhotoNobody: Nobody can see your profile photo
+ PrivacyForwardLinkTitle: Forwarded Messages
+ PrivacyForwardLinkEverybodyExcept: Have a link to your account (%1$s)
+ PrivacyForwardLinkEverybody: Have a link to your account
+ PrivacyForwardLinkContactsExcept: Contacts can have a link to your account (%1$s)
+ PrivacyForwardLinkContacts: Contacts can have a link to your account
+ PrivacyForwardLinkNobodyExcept: Do not have a link to your account (%1$s)
+ PrivacyForwardLinkNobody: Do not have a link to your account
+ TermsOfServiceDone: Agree
+ TermsOfService: Terms of Service
+ ChannelLinkSet: Tap to set public channel link
+ GroupLinkSet: Tap to set public group link
+ UserDisabledMessages: You cannot send messages to this user
+ ThemeEditWallpaper: Edit Wallpaper
+ ThemeWallpaper: Wallpaper Link
+ UnbanMemberBot: Unban bot
+ OnlyAdminsSpecific: Only admins with privilege
+ Registration: Registration

Changed strings:

- EventLogFilterNewAdmins: New admins
+ EventLogFilterNewAdmins: Admin rights
- PhoneNumberHelp: You can change your Telegram number here. Your account and all your cloud data β€” messages, media, contacts, etc. will be moved to the new number.\n\n**Important:** all your Telegram contacts will get your **new number** added to their address book, provided they had your old number and you haven't blocked them in Telegram.
+ PhoneNumberHelp: You can change your Telegram number here. Your account and all your cloud data β€” messages, media, contacts, etc. will be moved to the new number.


New strings:

+ lng_theme_no_desktop_version: Sorry, this theme doesn't include a version for Telegram Desktop.\n\n(Also, Telegram Desktop doesn't support cloud themes yet.)