New strings:

+ ChatListFolder.ExcludeSectionInfo: Choose chats and types of chats that will not appear in this folder.
+ ChatListFolder.IncludeSectionInfo: Choose chats and types of chats that will appear in this folder.
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryRead: Read
+ ChatListFolder.ExcludeChatsTitle: Exclude Chats
+ ChatListFolder.IncludeChatsTitle: Include Chats
+ ChatListFolder.DiscardCancel: No
+ ChatListFolder.DiscardDiscard: Discard
+ ChatListFolder.DiscardConfirmation: You have changed this folder. Discard changes?
+ ChatListFolder.NameGroups: Groups
+ ChatListFolder.NameBots: Bots
+ ChatListFolder.NameNonContacts: Non-Contacts
+ ChatListFolder.NameContacts: Contacts
+ ChatListFolder.NameChannels: Channels
+ ChatListFolder.NameUnread: Unread
+ ChatListFolder.NameNonMuted: Not Muted
+ ChatListFolder.ExcludedSectionHeader: EXCLUDED CHATS
+ ChatListFolder.AddChats: Add Chats
+ ChatListFolder.IncludedSectionHeader: INCLUDED CHATS
+ ChatListFolder.NamePlaceholder: Folder Name
+ ChatListFolder.NameSectionHeader: FOLDER NAME
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryArchived: Archived
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryMuted: Muted
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryChannels: Channels
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryGroups: Groups
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryBots: Bots
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryNonContacts: Non-Contacts
+ ChatListFolder.CategoryContacts: Contacts
+ ChatListFolder.TitleEdit: Edit Folder
+ ChatListFolder.TitleCreate: New Folder
+ ChatListFolderSettings.RecommendedNewFolder: Add Custom Folder
+ ChatListFolderSettings.RecommendedFoldersSection: RECOMMENDED FOLDERS
+ ChatListFolderSettings.EditFoldersInfo: Tap "Edit" to change the order or delete folders.
+ ChatListFolderSettings.NewFolder: Create New Folder
+ ChatListFolderSettings.FoldersSection: FOLDERS
+ ChatListFolderSettings.Title: Folders
+ ChatListFolderSettings.Info: Create folders for different groups of chats and\nquickly switch between them.
+ ChatList.PeerTypeChannel: channel
+ ChatList.PeerTypeGroup: group
+ ChatList.PeerTypeBot: bot
+ ChatList.PeerTypeContact: contact
+ ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact: user
+ ChatList.ChatTypesSection: CHAT TYPES
+ Settings.ChatFolders: Chat Folders
+ ChatList.Tabs.All: All
+ ChatList.Tabs.AllChats: All Chats
+ ChatList.FolderAllChats: All Chats
+ ChatList.EditFolders: Edit Folders
+ ChatList.AddFolder: Add Folder
+ ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders: Hold to organize your chats with folders.
+ ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipNonEmptyFolders: Hold on 'Chats' to edit folders and switch between views.
+ ChatList.ReorderTabs: Reorder Tabs
+ ChatList.RemoveFolder: Remove
+ ChatList.RemoveFolderAction: Remove
+ ChatList.RemoveFolderConfirmation: This will remove the folder, your chats will not be deleted.
+ ChatList.AddChatsToFolder: Add Chats
+ ChatList.EditFolder: Edit Folder
+ ChatListFilter.AddChatsTitle: Add Chats...
+ ChatList.EmptyChatListEditFilter: Edit Folder
+ ChatList.EmptyChatListNewMessage: New Message
+ ChatList.EmptyChatFilterList: This folder is empty.
+ ChatList.EmptyChatList: You have no\nconversations yet.
+ PeerInfo.BioExpand: more
+ PeerInfo.AddToContacts: Add to Contacts
+ PeerInfo.ButtonLeave: Leave
+ PeerInfo.ButtonSearch: Search


New strings:

+ ActionPinnedGameNoName: %1$s pinned a **game**
+ AnimatedEmoji: Animated Emoji
+ ArchiveXChats_one: Archive %1$s chat
+ ArchiveXChats_other: Archive %1$s chats
+ ArchivedXChats_one: Archived %1$s chat
+ ArchivedXChats_other: Archived %1$s chats
+ BlockUntilFuture: Block until %1$s at %2$s
+ BlockUntilToday: Block until today at %1$s
+ BlockUntilTomorrow: Block until tomorrow at %1$s
+ BlockXBots_one: Block %1$s bot
+ BlockXBots_other: Block %1$s bots
+ BlockXUsers_one: Block %1$s user
+ BlockXUsers_other: Block %1$s users
+ BlockedXBots_one: Blocked %1$s bot
+ BlockedXBots_other: Blocked %1$s bots
+ BlockedXUsers_one: Blocked %1$s user
+ BlockedXUsers_other: Blocked %1$s users
+ ClearCacheHint2: Calculating storage usage by your chats… This operation may take a few minutes to complete
+ ClearHistoryBtn: Clear
+ ClearXChats_one: Clear media in %1$s chat? You will need to download media again.
+ ClearXChats_other: Clear media in %1$s chats? You will need to download media again.
+ ClearXHistories_one: Clear %1$s chat history
+ ClearXHistories_other: Clear %1$s chat histories
+ ClearXHistoriesConfirm_one: Are you sure you want to clear history in %1$s chat?
+ ClearXHistoriesConfirm_other: Are you sure you want to clear history in %1$s chats?
+ ClearedNoneChats_one: No media to clear in %1$s chat
+ ClearedNoneChats_other: No media to clear in %1$s chats
+ ClearedSizeChats_one: Cleared %2$s in %1$s chat
+ ClearedSizeChats_other: Cleared %2$s in %1$s chats
+ ClearedXChats_one: Cleared media for %1$s chat
+ ClearedXChats_other: Cleared media for %1$s chats
+ ClearedXHistories_one: Cleared %1$s histories
+ ClearedXHistories_other: Cleared %1$s histories
+ ClearingXChats_one: Clearing media in %1$s chat… This operation may take some time, please wait.
+ ClearingXChats_other: Clearing media in %1$s chats… This operation may take some time, please wait.
+ ClosingXSecretChats_one: %1$s secret chat will be cancelled
+ ClosingXSecretChats_other: %1$s secret chats will be cancelled
+ CustomTitleTooBig: Custom Title is too long
+ DeleteChatCache: Clear media cache
+ DeleteReminder: Delete reminder
+ DeleteScheduled: Delete scheduled message
+ DeleteXChats_one: Delete %1$s chat
+ DeleteXChats_other: Delete %1$s chats
+ DeleteXChatsConfirm_one: Are you sure you want to delete %1$s chat?
+ DeleteXChatsConfirm_other: Are you sure you want to delete %1$s chats?
+ DeleteXMessages_one: Delete %1$s message
+ DeleteXMessages_other: Delete %1$s messages
+ DeleteXReminders_one: Delete %1$s reminder
+ DeleteXReminders_other: Delete %1$s reminders
+ DeleteXScheduled_one: Delete %1$s scheduled message
+ DeleteXScheduled_other: Delete %1$s scheduled messages
+ DeletedXChats_one: Deleted %1$s chat
+ DeletedXChats_other: Deleted %1$s chats
+ EnableNotifications2_one: Unmute %1$s chat
+ EnableNotifications2_other: Unmute %1$s chats
+ ErrorScheduled: This action will become available after the message is published.
+ EventLogPromotedTitle: Title: %1$s
+ EventLogPromotedTitleChange: Title: %1$s -> %2$s
+ EventScheduledMessage: Sent Scheduled Messages
+ EventScheduledMessageDesc: Receive a notification when one of your scheduled messages gets sent to a chat with enabled notifications.
+ FoundMessagesFromAutoPost: messages from channels
+ HoldToRemind: Hold to create a reminder.
+ HoldToSchedule: Hold to send at a specific date and other options.
+ HoldToSchedule2: Hold to send when %1$s goes online and other options.
+ HoldToSilentBroadcast: Hold for silent broadcast and more.
+ LeaveXChats_one: You will be unable to return to %1$s chat
+ LeaveXChats_other: You will be unable to return to %1$s chats
+ LeaveXPrivateChannel_one: You will be unable to return to %1$s channel
+ LeaveXPrivateChannel_other: You will be unable to return to %1$s channels
+ LeaveXPrivateGroup_one: You will be unable to return to %1$s group
+ LeaveXPrivateGroup_other: You will be unable to return to %1$s groups
+ LoopAnimatedStickers: Loop Animated Stickers
+ LosingXAdminRights_one: You will lose admin rights in %1$s chat
+ LosingXAdminRights_other: You will lose admin rights in %1$s chats
+ MarkedXChats_one: Marked %1$s chat as unread
+ MarkedXChats_other: Marked %1$s chats as unread
+ MoreChatOptions: More
+ MoreForwardOptions: More options…
+ MuteXChats_one: Mute %1$s chat
+ MuteXChats_other: Mute %1$s chats
+ MutedXChats_one: Muted %1$s chat
+ MutedXChats_other: Muted %1$s chats
+ NoUndoWarn: This action cannot be undone.
+ NotificationsEnableOverride2: Enabling notifications for these chats will override the global value in Settings > Notifications (%1$s).
+ NotificationsEnableOverride3: Enabling notifications for some of selected chats will override the global value in Settings > Notifications (%1$s).
+ NotificationsOnXChats_one: Enabled notifications for %1$s chat
+ NotificationsOnXChats_other: Enabled notifications for %1$s chats
+ OpenStickerSet: Show Sticker Set
+ PinTooMuchWarn_one: Sorry, you can only pin %1$s chat in your main list. If you're looking for more organization, try archiving some chats — the Archived Chats folder allows unlimited pins.
+ PinTooMuchWarn_other: Sorry, you can only pin %1$s chats in your main list. If you're looking for more organization, try archiving some chats — the Archived Chats folder allows unlimited pins.
+ PinXChats_one: Pin %1$s chat
+ PinXChats_other: Pin %1$s chats
+ Reference: Reference
+ RemindAtCustomTime: Remind at specific date…
+ RemindDateAt: Remind %1$s at %2$s
+ RemindInXHours_one: Remind in %1$s hour
+ RemindInXHours_other: Remind in %1$s hours
+ RemindInXMinutes_one: Remind in %1$s minute
+ RemindInXMinutes_other: Remind in %1$s minutes
+ RemindTodayAt: Remind today at %1$s
+ RemindTomorrowAt: Remind tomorrow at %1$s
+ Reminder: 📅 Reminder
+ Reminders: Reminders
+ ReportXChats_one: Report %1$s chat
+ ReportXChats_other: Report %1$s chats
+ ReportedXChats_one: Reported %1$s chat
+ ReportedXChats_other: Reported %1$s chats
+ Reschedule: Reschedule
+ RestrictUntilFuture: Restrict until %1$s at %2$s
+ RestrictUntilToday: Restrict until today at %1$s
+ RestrictUntilTomorrow: Restrict until tomorrow at %1$s
+ RevokeForX_one: Delete all messages for %1$s other user
+ RevokeForX_other: Delete all messages for %1$s other users
+ SaveNoMarkdown: Save without markdown
+ ScheduledDate: Scheduled for %1$s
+ ScheduledMessage: Scheduled Message
+ ScheduledMessages: Scheduled Messages
+ ScheduledToday: Scheduled for today
+ ScheduledTomorrow: Scheduled for tomorrow
+ ScheduledUntilOnline: Scheduled until online
+ SelectAll: Select All
+ SelectMore: Select…
+ SelectMuted: Select Muted
+ SelectUnread: Select Unread
+ SendAndOpen: Send and open chat
+ SendAsFile: Send as file
+ SendAsXFiles_one: Send as %1$s file
+ SendAsXFiles_other: Send as %1$s files
+ SendAtCustomTime: Send at specific date…
+ SendDateAt: Send %1$s at %2$s
+ SendInXHours_one: Send in %1$s hour
+ SendInXHours_other: Send in %1$s hours
+ SendInXMinutes_one: Send in %1$s minute
+ SendInXMinutes_other: Send in %1$s minutes
+ SendNoMarkdown: Send without markdown
+ SendNoSound: Send without sound
+ SendNow: Send Now
+ SendOnceOnline: Send when online
+ SendReminder: Set a Reminder
+ SendSchedule: Schedule message
+ SendTodayAt: Send today at %1$s
+ SendTomorrowAt: Send tomorrow at %1$s
+ SendXMessagesNow_one: Send %1$s message?
+ SendXMessagesNow_other: Send %1$s messages?
+ Tomorrow: Tomorrow
+ UnarchiveXChats_one: Unarchive %1$s chat
+ UnarchiveXChats_other: Unarchive %1$s chats
+ UnarchivedXChats_one: Unarchived %1$s chat
+ UnarchivedXChats_other: Unarchived %1$s chats
+ UnblockXUsers_one: Unblock %1$s user
+ UnblockXUsers_other: Unblock %1$s users
+ UnblockedXBots_one: Unblocked %1$s bot
+ UnblockedXBots_other: Unblocked %1$s bots
+ UnblockedXUsers_one: Unblocked %1$s user
+ UnblockedXUsers_other: Unblocked %1$s users
+ UnmutedXChats_one: Unmuted %1$s chat
+ UnmutedXChats_other: Unmuted %1$s chats
+ UnpinXChats_one: Unpin %1$s chat
+ UnpinXChats_other: Unpin %1$s chats
+ ViewMessagesFromAutoPost: Messages from channels
+ format_dateTime: %1$s at %2$s
+ format_notificationGroupSender: %1$s @ %2$s
+ format_notificationScheduledChannel: 📅 Scheduled message posted in %1$s
+ format_notificationScheduledGroup: 📅 Scheduled message for %1$s
+ format_notificationScheduledPrivate: 📅 Scheduled message for %1$s
+ format_notificationScheduledText: 📅 %1$s
+ format_sendTodayAt: %1$s (%2$s)
+ format_sendTomorrowAt: %1$s (tomorrow at %2$s)
+ format_tomorrow: tomorrow at %1$s


New strings:

+ lng_mediaview_rotate_video: Rotate video