
New strings:

+ FilterRemoveFrom: Remove from folder
+ FilterAddTo: Add to folder
+ DeleteAllMessagesSavedAlert: Warning! This will **delete all messages** in this chat.
+ FilterUserRemovedFrom: **%1$s** removed from **%2$s**
+ FilterUserAddedToExisting: **%1$s** added to **%2$s**
+ FilterChatAddedToExisting: **%1$s** added to **%2$s**
+ FilterChatRemovedFrom: **%1$s** removed from **%2$s**
+ FilterChatsAddedToExisting: **%1$s** added to **%2$s**
+ FilterChatsRemovedFrom: **%1$s** removed from **%2$s**
+ FilterChoose: Choose a folder
+ FeaturedGifs: Trending GIFs
+ PaintFramed: Framed
+ QRCodePermissionNoCamera: Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can scan QR codes.
+ PleaseEnterNewFirstPassword: Enter a new password
+ PasswordHintPlaceholder: Hint
+ RecoveryEmailTitle: Recovery Email
+ VerificationCode: Verification code
+ EnterCode: Enter code
+ AbortPasswordMenu: Abort setup
+ PasswordOn: On
+ YourEmailSuccessChangedText: Your recovery email for Two-Step Verification has been changed.
+ HoldToAudioOnly: Hold to record audio.
+ FilterAddToAlertFullText: Sorry, you can't exclude more than 100 chats from a folder.
+ YourPasswordChangedSuccessText: Your password for Two-Step Verification has been changed.
+ PasswordOff: Off
+ TwoStepVerificationSetPassword: Set Password
+ TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnPassport: Return to Passport
+ TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnSettings: Return to Settings
+ TwoStepVerificationPasswordSetInfo: This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS.
+ TwoStepVerificationPasswordSet: Password Set!
+ ShowStickers: Show stickers
+ FilterRemoveFromAlertFullText: Sorry, you can't add more than 100 chats to a folder.
+ FilterAddToAlertFullTitle: Limit reached
+ SoundMuted: Sound muted


Changed strings:

- lng_change_phone_warning: All your Telegram contacts will get your new number added to their address book, provided they had your old number and you haven't blocked them in Telegram.
+ lng_change_phone_warning: Users will see your new number if they have it in their address book or your privacy settings allow them to see it. You can modify this in Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone number.