
New strings:

+ lng_admin_log_no_events_text_channel: There were no service actions\ntaken by the channels's admins\nin the last 48 hours.
+ lng_settings_alert_mac: Bounce the Dock icon
+ lng_settings_alert_linux: Draw attention to the window
+ lng_settings_alert_windows: Flash the taskbar icon
+ lng_context_hide_psa: Hide this announcement
+ lng_forwarded_psa_default: Forwarded from {channel}
+ lng_manage_peer_subscribers: Subscribers
+ lng_profile_subscribers_section: Subscribers
+ lng_tooltip_psa_default: This message provides you with a public service announcement.
+ lng_about_psa_default: This message provides you with a public service announcement. To remove it from your chats list, right click it and select **Hide**.
+ lng_badge_psa_default: PSA
+ lng_chat_status_subscribers_one: {count} subscriber
+ lng_chat_status_subscribers_other: {count} subscribers

Changed strings:

- lng_will_be_notified: Members will be notified when you post
+ lng_will_be_notified: Subscribers will be notified when you post
- lng_sure_delete_channel: Are you sure you want to delete this channel? All members will be removed and all messages will be lost.
+ lng_sure_delete_channel: Are you sure you want to delete this channel? All subscribers will be removed and all messages will be lost.
- lng_wont_be_notified: Members will receive a silent notification
+ lng_wont_be_notified: Subscribers will receive a silent notification
- lng_participant_invite_sorry_one: Sorry, you can only add the first {count} member to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.
+ lng_participant_invite_sorry_one: Sorry, you can only add the first {count} subscriber to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.
- lng_participant_invite_sorry_other: Sorry, you can only add the first {count} members to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.
+ lng_participant_invite_sorry_other: Sorry, you can only add the first {count} subscribers to a channel personally.\n\nFrom now on, people will need to join via your invite link.