
New strings:

+ PsaHideChatAlertText: Are you sure you want to hide this chat?
+ PsaType_covid: COVID-19
+ PsaMessage_covid: COVID-19 Notification
+ PsaInfo_covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at
+ PsaMessageInfo_covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at
+ PsaHide: Hide
+ PsaHideChatAlertTitle: Hide chat
+ PsaMessageInfoDefault: This is an important notification.
+ PsaMessageDefault: Important Notification
+ PsaInfoDefault: PSA info test
+ PsaTypeDefault: PSA


New strings:

+ Stats.ZoomOut: Zoom Out
+ Stats.Total: Total
+ FeaturedStickers.OtherSection: OTHER STICKERS
+ Stickers.Installed: ADDED
+ CreatePoll.ExplanationHeader: EXPLANATION
+ CreatePoll.Explanation: Add a Comment (Optional)
+ CreatePoll.ExplanationInfo: Users will see this comment after choosing a wrong answer, good for educational purposes.
+ Conversation.Dice.u1F3AF: Send a dart emoji to try your luck.
+ Conversation.Dice.u1F3B2: Send a dice emoji to any chat to roll a die.
+ ForwardedDices_one: Forwarded dice
+ ForwardedDices_other: %@ forwarded dices
+ Conversation.Dice.: Send a dice emoji to any chat to roll a die.
+ Conversation.SendDice: Send
+ Conversation.ContextMenuDiscuss: Discuss
+ Appstore.Public: **Public**\nPublic channels, open groups,\nbots for integrations.
+ Appstore.Public.Chat1: **Financial Times**\nTruth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.
+ Appstore.Public.Chat2: **Bloomberg**\nWe'll be sending you a few big stories daily, which you can expect to start...
+ Appstore.Public.Chat3: **Health and Safety**\nIf you're looking for official news about the Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19
+ Appstore.Public.IV: We now have enough data to measure the relative effectiveness of major climate solutions. This simulator lets you see which ones would work best.\n\nBloomberg\n\nThe Best Way to Slow Global Warming? You Decide in This Climate Simulator\nIt was on Earth Day 2016 when more than 170 nations signed the Paris Agreement calling for limiting global warming "to well below 2°C".
+ Appstore.Creative: **Creative**\nColor themes, stickers, GIFs,\nvideo messages and more.
+ Appstore.Creative.Chat.Name: **Gabriella**
+ Appstore.Creative.Chat: **You**\nSend a dice emoji to roll a die!\n**You**\nAdvance to Illinois Ave. If you pass Go, collect coffee\n**Gabriella**\nPassed!\n**You**\nOkay\nWait for me there.
+ Appstore.Open: **Open**\nNo ads, no fees. Open source\ncode free for everyone.
+ Appstore.Free.Chat.Name: **Study Group**
+ Appstore.Free.Chat: **Jessica**\nPaper airplane is lyfted by...\nWings\nPropeller\n**You**\nIs this from Monday’s test?\n**Harry**\nOnlinePartyPlan.ppd\nLet's get back to planning!\n**You**\n550 MB keynote file??\n**Helene**\nHe added fireworks videos
+ Appstore.Cloud: **Cloud-based**\nUnlimited storage for chats,\nmedia and documents.
+ Appstore.Cloud.Profile: **Jennifer**\n23 y.o. designer from San Francisco.
+ Appstore.Secure: **Secure**\nAll chats are protected\nwith strong encryption.
+ Appstore.Secure.Chat.Name: **Little Sister**
+ Appstore.Secure.Chat: **Little Sister**\nAny gift ideas for mom?\n**You**A dog!\n**You**I'm serious. Let's get her a puppy. \n**You**\nI saw this!\n**Little Sister**\nI needed proof this was your idea!
+ Appstore.Private: **Private**\nYour data is never disclosed\nOnly you are in control.
+ Appstore.Private.Chat.Name: **Beatrice**
+ Appstore.Private.Chat: **You**\nNo limits on the size of your cats.
+ Appstore.Powerful: **Powerful**\nNo limits on the size of\ngroups and broadcasts.
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat9: **Digital Nomads**
+ Appstore.Powerful.Chat: **James**\nGood morning!\n\nDwayne joined the group\n\n**You**\nDo you have any idea what time it is?\n**Roxanne**\nIs it still morning?\nSure!\nNot sure\n**Emma**\nVoice
+ Appstore.Fast: **Fast**\nSimple, reliable and synced\nacross all your devices.
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat1: **Alicia Torreaux**\nBob says hi.
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat2: **Roberto**\nSay hello to Alice.
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat3: **Digital Nomads**\nJennie\nWe just reached 2,500 members! WOO!
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat4: **Veronica**\nTable for four, 2 PM. Be there.
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat5: **Animal Videos**\nVote now! Moar cat videos in this channel?
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat6: **Little Sister**\nDon't tell mom yet, but I got the job! I'm going to ROME!
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat7: **James**\nCheck these out
+ Appstore.Fast.Chat8: **Study Group**\nEmma\nSticker

Changed strings:

- ChannelInfo.DeleteChannelConfirmation: Wait! Deleting this channel will remove all members and all messages will be lost. Delete the channel anyway?
+ ChannelInfo.DeleteChannelConfirmation: Wait! Deleting this channel will remove all subscribers and all messages will be lost. Delete the channel anyway?
- CreateGroup.SoftUserLimitAlert: You will be able to add more users after you finish creating the group and convert it to a supergroup.
+ CreateGroup.SoftUserLimitAlert: You will be able to add more members after you create the group.
- Permissions.PeopleNearbyText.v0: Quickly add people nearby who are also viewing this section and discover local group chats.  \n\nPlease allow on location access to enable this feature.
+ Permissions.PeopleNearbyText.v0: Quickly add people nearby who are also viewing this section and discover local group chats.\n\nPlease allow on location access to enable this feature.
- ChatList.PsaLabel.covid: Covid-19
+ ChatList.PsaLabel.covid: COVID-19
- Chat.PsaTooltip.covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the undergoing pandemics. Learn more about this initiative at
+ Chat.PsaTooltip.covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at
- ChatList.PsaAlert.covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the undergoing pandemics. Learn more about this initiative at
+ ChatList.PsaAlert.covid: This message provides you with a public service announcement in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about this initiative at